Do you know a small business we can collab with for free events & volunteer characters?
Bakeries, Florist, Book Stores?
We are currently looking for local small businesses we can collab with for free promotion. A business with floor space would be preferred for Meet n' Greet events. We will also be looking for volunteers to help bring this free collaboration to life. This normally intel's you choosing the princess you'd prefer to be that day. For example, Is there a princess you haven't played in a while? Well, jump right in and dust off that tiara for the collab event!
We are looking to pair these events well with certain princesses
For Example:
Local Library - Princess Belle (or any) Storytime
Local Bakery - Princess Tiana Meet n' Greet
Local Florist - Princess Rapunzel Meet n' Greet
If you can think of any cute Long Island or NYC locations, Please contact Lola at (516)497-8566 OR Email: ! Know the local business owners personally ? Even better! Reach out to them and give us their business information to create an promo event.
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